The mission:
make church graphics easy. it’s that simple.

Growing up in a pastor's house was a wild ride.

Dad led various small to mid-size congregations over the years, and my brothers and I quickly learned that making church happen is no small feat. Don't get me wrong, the Spirit of God is the most important element, but let's talk about the admin stuff – those cool enhancements we dreamed of for our services. The problem was, lack of resources meant we couldn't afford a fancy creative team. So my brothers and I decided to become the design wizards ourselves.

Fast forward to adulthood, I spent several years at a brand new church plant. Surprise, surprise – making the church look awesome through visuals was like pulling a rabbit out of a hat, but way less magical. And the small leadership team was already under a heavy burden, so the DIY approach proved extremely difficult.

I scoured the internet for a solution – something that'd give us jaw-dropping designs without the drama, and came up empty-handed.

That’s when the lightbulb moment happened – Church Design Club was born. Because why not have a blast creating awesome visuals for churches without the budget blues?

Drew Motes

Founder, Church Design Club